Day 9
A few things that jumped at me in today’s reading:
Although Job tried severally in his response to get his friends on his side, all Job’s friends did was reel out the punishment of the wicked to him. While they may be right on the rewards for the wicked, it is not a confirmation that Job did those things.
21: 7 shows a question we ask today — ‘why do the wicked continue to live?’. I also wonder how ‘the wicked’ is defined. It is easy to see the ‘obvious’ wickedness, the question is if one is harbouring wickedness. My deep thoughts may not be revealed to other humans, but I know, God knows. So, I should catch myself on what I think towards others.
22:5–9 — Eliphaz insinuates Job did some things. Are these hearsays? We have seen in previous chapters where Job has constantly asked for proof of his wrongdoings from his friends. He further insists that Job should come to terms with God and be at peace with these facts in 22 vs 21.
In Chapter 23, Job responds again, but this time, kind of exasperated. In 23:3, he says, ‘If only I knew where to find him; if only I could go to his dwelling!’. There are times we are going through situations, and it seems God is nowhere to be found. It can become frustrating. But we do know he is always there, which we would see later on in the book of Job.