Day 78
When you hear a phrase like ‘ it is for your own good’, it sometimes comes across as a threat. Laws are for our own good, and that’s not in a scary way at all. In fact, it connotes positivity here. Generally for peace of mind, to live in gratitude, guilt-free etc. Some of these things are basic common sense. But in lawlessness, common sense has no place. I gave an example in my reflection on Day 77.
One of the things reiterated today was on tithing, and this would jump out to me as a person because it’s one area I have tried to understand. I have seen that the general view or what and results expected are not often the case, which has made me question the doctrines of the concept, and if people are really doing it right. That is why God is for everyone. His word is for us to go through and ask him for his understanding. This journey is for me to connect all dots with what I have learnt, seeking guidance in the process. And yes, I am still learning from others right now, albeit with a different level of awareness.
But most importantly, unravelling what I have been taught to actually knowing him. The latter is what God wants. Most of us talk about him, but what is our knowledge of him? Is it solely based on what others have said? A good one to ponder on.