Day 75
On a journey with my mum from Ibadan a long time ago, we had bought a live chicken that died before arriving at our destination. It was thrown away. I asked why and was simply told it was not good to eat anything that died on its own. Found the answer in today’s reading — 14:21, ‘You shall not eat anything that has died naturally’.🙂
The concept of tithing described in 14: 22–29 caught my curiosity because of the phrase ‘eat your tithe’. Say what?! So this is quite different from what I have been reading so far, where God wants the Israelites to sacrifice to him, but they don’t eat from it. It belonged to God and the Levites. The bible further said that if the tithe was too heavy, they could convert it to cash and spend it on whatever their appetite craved. 😳
But then God chooses the place where the tithe would be spent, and the Israelites were not to forget the Levites, foreigners, widows and fatherless. For me, this shows me tithing is an act of service for those who are ‘less privileged’. The bible said that much in 14:29 — ‘And the Levite, because he has no portion or inheritance with you, and the sojourner, the fatherless, and the widow, who are within your towns, shall come and eat and be filled, that the Lord your God may bless you in all the work of your hands that you do’.
My conclusion is that God wanted the Israelites also to experience the joy that comes with tithing, so it is not just another command, and they understand it’s for their benefit. God loves a cheerful giver. I believe that it should come from within when it comes to giving. If one has to be cajoled or emotionally blackmailed into it, then I don’t think it is a ‘cheerful’ giving anymore. God knows our intent and heart anyway, so why pretend? I feel many people tithe because it is some command and the fear of disobedience (and I have been there before). I am glad to read this today (my first time) that tithing should be joyful.
Another thing I noted was that though the law is clear on drunkenness, strong drinks and wine were acceptable sacrifices to God. This speaks to self-control. The fact that they are fine is not an excuse to be drunk.