Day 7
Yesterday, I had hoped Job’s friends would be sensitive enough to give him an actual break from the insensitive comments. But it continued in today’s reading ☹️
14: 5–9 Job is still frustrated and compares human life to a tree. If a tree is cut down, it can grow back, but the human life, no. That’s deep! We have this one life to live, and it matters.
14:14 — He poses the question, ‘If someone dies will they live again?’ Did he believe in resurrection? Did and could they believe in the resurrection at that time?
Eliphaz steps in again in Chapter 15. The sort of tone here is ‘who do you think you are?’. Sounds familiar? Who is that person you mind and say ‘who does s/he think s/he is?’ hmmm…
15:8 — ‘Do you have monopoly on wisdom?’ Eliphaz, oh Eliphaz! He seems to think Job feels he knows too much. Like Job has a secret meeting with God.
At this point, I am beginning to wonder if Job did something wrong to his friends in the past and they were simply awaiting his downfall. Could he have politely asked them to leave instead of always having to respond? Anyway, Job responds in Chapter 16.
16:4&5- Job talks about what he would have done if the tables were turned. I still wonder why his friend asked if he could speak without Job being impatient in Chater 4 vs 2 🤔
16:20 — Why didn’t any of his friends try to intercede on Job’s behalf as he did for his children in Job 1:5? In today, that would be saying a word of prayer for a friend going through a tough time.