Day 6
I actually did catch myself getting upset reading Chapter 11 and asking Zophar, ‘who made you God?’. In verse 6, he was so sure of what God’s response would be. Job’s friends were not supportive. I see his frustration.
Wondering, is there no friend that could vouch for him? I found the fact that in such a vulnerable state where his friends were saying all these to him, he stood his ground and asked them who made them God.
He also did mention what he needed from them as his friends — their silence for him to lament. So he needed just their presence. I have never read the entire book of Job before, but at this point, they need to stop! I hope his friends were sensitive enough to listen to his need at that time and didn’t keep judging.
13:24 further shows that Job did have a relationship with God when he asked God — ‘why did you hide your face and consider me your enemy?’. It is why he keeps questioning God and asking for answers, because really, they were in a relationship and yet he is not getting answers.
But more importantly, while it’s easy to think about how people have reacted to me at my lows, I found myself asking what type of a friend I have been to others in their low moments. Am I being present, or do I always need to proffer a solution, or I have been judgmental? I have been all of the 3 at some point. Studying this gives a new awareness and my prayer is to become better and more sensitive to others.