Day 358

Daily Bible Musings
2 min readDec 25, 2022


This is Paul’s second letter to Timothy. I pondered on the part that warned him about false prophets. I also thought about how we are quick to label any opposing/different sermon to one of our favourite Pastors or leader has shared, as false. We go as far as labelling the former as a false prophet. We also forget that the bible says God’s word cuts deeper than any two-edged sword. A popular example is when there was an opposing view that what God cannot do doesn’t exist. Some agreed with this, while others said there are things God could not do that exist. It was an interesting debate, and people from either view didn’t even want to hear the other.

Depending on the context of the two views, they are right. Luke 1:37 — with God nothing will be impossible (a.k.a what God cannot do does not exist) and Numbers 23:19 — God is not a son of man that he should lie, neither the son of man that he should repent… (a.k.a what God cannot do does exist — he can’t lie).

Two-edged sword? We should test all words against the bible before calling people out. We often call people out without even having a relationship with the bible. I am guilty.



Daily Bible Musings

My musings from reading the entire bible (chronological). Not a Preacher. Unravelling what I’ve been told about God to knowing him for myself