Day 10
I can imagine an intense conversation trying to make someone understand my point of view and likewise the other person.
At the start of Chapter 24, Job questions God on why the wicked sometimes seem to go unpunished. But then in vs 23, he acknowledges that God sees all they do (‘… his eyes are on their ways.’)
In Chapter 25, Bildad responds again.
26:1–4 — Job responds again. He says Bildad’s response was not helpful and was devoid of wisdom.
In Chapter 27:5, Job says he is maintaining his integrity and would not admit that they are right. I must say, Job is one strong man and very confident of his relationship with God. Despite his friends trying to convince him he had done wrong, he maintained his stance. It made me wonder if I am easily swayed from my own convictions and values by what others say.
Furthermore, because of Job’s friends’ knowledge of how God is, they assumed they knew exactly why Job was going through all that. It makes me think of our world today. We argue a lot based on the knowledge or information we have gathered on certain things. But we want to be careful before we judge why others are going through certain things. We need to be careful not to speak on God’s behalf.
In Chapter 28, Job talks about wisdom. He asked where wisdom can be found and understanding, located (verses 12 and 20). Chapter 28 vs 28 says ‘And he (God) said to the human race, “the fear of the Lord — that is wisdom, and to shun evil is understanding”. Someone said, ‘ And God dropped the mic’! 🙂
What jumped out at you if you have ever read these chapters?